Yamaha Corporation of America announced this week that it has updated its well-regarded RX-V line of A/V receivers adding several new and popular features such as new wireless capability, a new surround capability, and new streaming services. Included in this update are the 7.2-channel RX-V777BT, RX-V677, RX-V577…as well as the 5.1-channel RX-V477. The company notes that these models embody a rare combination of sound quality, convenience, and accessibility.
Wren Sound Systems – This Bird’s Ready to Fly
Government data makes a strong case for a sustainable recovery under way – but most people in the consumer electronics industry tell me that this recovery is, at best, mediocre and, at worst, not happening. And as challenging as most are finding the economy, start-up companies tell me the headwinds are more like those of a Category 1 hurricane as they try to launch new products and services – hoping to get traction – in a very hostile start-up environment.
But one new start-up that has caught our attention – Wren Sound Systems – seems to be gaining ground with its new wireless speaker system…a product we find unique and interesting.
See what interests us about Wren below… [Read more…] about Wren Sound Systems – This Bird’s Ready to Fly
Core Brands Kicks Off KORUS at CE Week
One of the more interesting developments we saw at CE Week was the launch of a new series of products from Nortek, Inc. in the Core Brands, LLC booth called Korus. Korus is a line of wireless speakers designed to work with content streamed from you favorite smartphone/tablet/PC. Another line of wireless speakers is not particularly newsworthy. But Korus has a couple of tricks up its sleeve that IS unique…
See more on KORUS…including what really separates it from other streaming products… [Read more…] about Core Brands Kicks Off KORUS at CE Week
Onkyo Launches Two New A/V Receivers To Top Off Their Mid-Range Lineup
Onkyo USA Corp. today announced two hefty new additions to its A/V receiver line, the TX-NR929 and TX-NR828 Network A/V Receivers. Calling them the crown of its mid-range home theater lineup, these new models fit in between their high-end series (TX-NR1010/3010/5010) and their more mid-range series (TX -NR414/515/616/717/818). These new models augment the recently announced TX-NR727.
See more on these new multi-channel, THX-certified A/V receivers… [Read more…] about Onkyo Launches Two New A/V Receivers To Top Off Their Mid-Range Lineup
Did AudioXpert’s Launch Succeed in ‘Exceeding Expectations’ as Their Tag Line Promises?

Last month, we reported on the pre-launch of a new brand…the rather boldly named AudioXperts – founded by well-known industry veteran, Eli Harary and the team of sales, marketing, engineering, and product specialists he assembled. This pre-launch announcement was then followed-up by an official launch at a press event in Manhattan on Tuesday of this week. For a lot of reasons, this was a notable event – not the least of which is that there are very few new companies launching in the current incredibly difficult industry environment. But this “birth of a brand” also – for a number of reasons – set a very high bar for expectations related to its launch, which drew a substantial press contingent.
Did AudioXperts live up to their “exceeding expectations” tag line?… [Read more…] about Did AudioXpert’s Launch Succeed in ‘Exceeding Expectations’ as Their Tag Line Promises?
Is Pioneer Another Name for Innovator?
Years ago, the step-up component audio world was dominated by the big three: Yamaha, Onkyo, and Denon. Having joined Onkyo in 1985, I got to participate in what some people called the “meat of the market.” These brands hit the optimal “sweet spot” of volume and profitability and literally could be the difference between life-and-death for dealers.
And we knew it. Those were heady times, and often we let our egos run wild – turning our noses up at mass market brands such as Sony, Kenwood, and Pioneer. Well, I’m older and wiser now – the big three aren’t what they used to be – and I recognize smart and savvy moves when I see them…and Pioneer is impressing me. [Read more…] about Is Pioneer Another Name for Innovator?
Docking Solutions Open New Markets for Denon & Marantz

This week at D+M Group’s press presentation, the company focused on two major new product categories that appear to be targeted areas of growth for the company. After a general presentation with overview, the company broke up the rather large group of reporters into two sections: Group A, my group, went directly to a special display of docking products…or complete music systems with an iPod/iPad/iPhone dock. Group B went to headphones (see my report on Denon’s new headphone line here).
[Read more…] about Docking Solutions Open New Markets for Denon & Marantz
Soul by Ludacris Shows Party in a Box
<January 25, 2012> First revealed by the ALERT just after the 2010 CEDIA Expo, Soul by Ludacris at CES showed their remarkable product with a funny name, the Party In A Box. [ See original story here…]Sort of a boombox on steroids, PIAB was meant to re-invent boomboxes adding in today’s new technologies and taking the street beat to a whole new level. [Read more…] about Soul by Ludacris Shows Party in a Box