Gibson Guitar Corp., a manufacturer of musical instruments and significant shareholder in Onkyo Corp. and majority owner of Onkyo USA, has entered into a “Criminal Enforcement Agreement” with the U.S. Department of Justice settling matters and circumstances surrounding government allegations of their illegal purchase and importation of woods and materials protected by environmental regulations and laws. As part of their settlement, Gibson admits the government’s allegations are true, agrees to pay a penalty of $300,000, agrees to an additional “community service” payment of $50,000 to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, implements a strict compliance program (approved by DOJ enforcers) to prevent future violations, and relinquishes claim to more than $260,000 worth of government-seized illegally imported materials. [Read more…] about Gibson Guitar Admits It Broke the Law; Settles with DOJ to Avoid Criminal Prosecution
Gibson Guitar
Weissburg Leaves Gibson Guitar & Onkyo

The ALERT has learned that Bob Weissburg has resigned from his position at Gibson Guitar effective immediately. The surprising news comes just three months after Gibson announced it had hired Weissburg, the former President of Sales and Marketing for the Americas at D&M Holdings. Gibson had appointed Weissburg to a newly created position of Global Executive Vice President.
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Weissburg Leaves Gibson Guitar & Onkyo
Gibson Guitar’s Weissburg Gives the ALERT a Status Update
<March 28, 2012> Earlier this month, the ALERT reported that ex-D&M President Bob Weissburg had joined Gibson Guitar as its global executive vice president. While Weissburg was said to have responsibilities over the entire organization, his focus is primarily on Gibson’s audio and pro businesses which are growing largely as the result of several acquisitions by the company, including Onkyo’s U.S. subsidiary, Onkyo USA. [Read more…] about Gibson Guitar’s Weissburg Gives the ALERT a Status Update
Ex-D&M President Weissburg Heads to Gibson Guitar
<March 6, 2012> Gibson Guitar announced yesterday that it has hired ex-D&M President Bob Weissburg as global executive vice president – a new position at Gibson. Although Weissburg’s focus will likely be their consumer electronics and pro divisions, Gibson says he will be in charge of all divisions at the company – including musical instruments. [Read more…] about Ex-D&M President Weissburg Heads to Gibson Guitar
Though Ink Not Yet Dry on Gibson Deal, Onkyo Launches Another Partnership with Teac
<January 22, 2012> Just days after news reports of the formation of a strategic partnership between Osaka, Japan-based Onkyo Corporation and Nashville, Tennessee-based Gibson Guitar Corporation – a new report by the Nikkei says that Onkyo has now formed yet another new strategic partnership with Teac Corporation. While details are sketchy, apparently the two reached an agreement this past Friday, January 20th. [Read more…] about Though Ink Not Yet Dry on Gibson Deal, Onkyo Launches Another Partnership with Teac
Onkyo & Gibson CEO’s Give the ALERT the Inside Scoop on their New Partnership
Gibson Guitar Becomes Exclusive U.S. Distributor of Onkyo & Integra Brands
<January 18, 2012> As one of a select (and very small) group of reporters invited to a hastily-arranged private audience with the CEO’s of both Gibson Guitar Corp. and Onkyo Corp. to discuss their recently announced strategic alliance, I was intrigued. The interview was held on a custom Gibson tour bus literally and figuratively…as the Gibson CEO clearly drove the discussion. [Read more…] about Onkyo & Gibson CEO’s Give the ALERT the Inside Scoop on their New Partnership
More Details Emerge on Unique Gibson Guitar & Onkyo Partnership
<January 4, 2012> Only hours after the initial announcement this morning that Gibson Guitar Corporation and Onkyo Corporation will partner with mutual investments and the creation of a joint venture (JV) for product acquisition and marketing – new details of the deal are emerging. Also, the Japanese stock market has reacted to the deal driving up the value of Onkyo stock. [Read more…] about More Details Emerge on Unique Gibson Guitar & Onkyo Partnership
Gibson Guitar Buys Stake in Onkyo Corporation & Takes Control of Onkyo USA
<January 4, 2012> In a surprise move, Gibson Guitar Corporation announced that it has invested in Osaka, Japan-based Onkyo Corporation as part of what it called a “strategic partnership” pursued as part of a “continued diversification into the music and audio lifestyle arena.” The company also announced that it has taken a majority interest in Onkyo’s American subsidiary, Onkyo USA Corp. [Read more…] about Gibson Guitar Buys Stake in Onkyo Corporation & Takes Control of Onkyo USA