Last week, a jury was convened for a special trial to determine reasonable damages in the matter of GeigTech East Bay LLC v. Lutron Electronics Co., Inc. GeigTech, the plaintiff in this case is the manufacturer of motorized shade products marketed under the J Geiger brand, an independent company owned by Savant (and which is not a party to this litigation). Lutron has already been found to have infringed on certain patents held by Geigtech and the original jury’s large damages award was set aside by the judge who found it to be excessive. This new trial was held to determine a more reasonable damages amount.
patent infringement
Split Decision: A Masimo Win and an Apple Win in High Stakes Legal War
While many things have changed in the wake of Joe Kiani’s exit from Masimo Corporation (Nasdaq: MASI) – and many more changes are likely still to come – one thing continues on, the many lawsuits existing between Masimo and Apple Inc (Nasdaq: AAPL). And in the last few days, we have learned of two significant developments in that regard. One is a significant win for Masimo…and the other a significant win for Apple.
However, the war between these combatants continues…
Learn more about these recent legal decisions in the battle of Masimo and Apple
[Read more…] about Split Decision: A Masimo Win and an Apple Win in High Stakes Legal WarLutron Loses Appeal in J Geiger Lawsuit But Gets Penalty Reduction
The judge hearing Lutron Electronics’ appeal of its loss to GeigTech East Bay (part of J. Geiger shades) in a patent infringement case has delivered her decision and it is sure to please neither side. Earlier this year a jury declared Lutron a willful infringer of a GeigTech patent and awarded it an eye-popping $34.6 million. Lutron appealed asking for a new trial, which was denied, but the Judge cut the award to $3.8 million, agreeing that it was “grossly excessive.”
So what happens now? Read on to see…
See more on this ruling of Lutron’s appeal of Geigtech’s trial win
[Read more…] about Lutron Loses Appeal in J Geiger Lawsuit But Gets Penalty Goes on Offense, Fires Off Motion to Dismiss Much of Snap One Lawsuit
In the matter of Snap One, LLC v. AVA, Inc, and, Inc., we finally see a substantive move after the initial filing by plaintiff Snap One and subsequent answers from the defendants AVA and And that subsequent move is a doozy – has gone on offense and filed a motion to dismiss multiple major claims in the Snap One lawsuit.’s filing is well written and puts Snap One on defense, forcing them to submit genuine facts and evidence to support their many claims, including a few allegations that were really quite salacious.
See more on’s Motion to Dismiss putting Snap One on defense
[Read more…] about Goes on Offense, Fires Off Motion to Dismiss Much of Snap One LawsuitApple Files Massive Appeal; Asks Court to Overturn ITC Ban in Masimo Win
A Heavyweight Case; 916 Pages Heavy, That Is
Last Friday, Apple, Inc. filed a massive appeal with the U.S. Appeals Court for the Federal Circuit asking the judges to overturn the ruling of the United States International Trade Commission (ITC) which sided with Masimo and ordered a ban on sales of certain models of the Apple Watch. The filing runs an impressive 916 pages long and cites multiple elements of the ITC ruling, telling the Federal Court that the commission “…both exceeded its authority and issued a series of flawed substantive rulings.”
Apple says: ‘The Commission’s decision cannot stand.’
[Read more…] about Apple Files Massive Appeal; Asks Court to Overturn ITC Ban in Masimo WinMassive Masimo vs. Apple Legal Battle Has Epic Day; Is Apple Capitulating?
STORY UPDATED – Scroll down to read
In the matter of Masimo Corp. v. Apple, Inc….AND…Apple, Inc. v. Masimo Corp. we have a full-blown, overt litigation war raging between two determined combatants. It is a complex battle that has opened multiple fronts with multiple separate actions initiated by each of the parties in District Courts, the U.S. International Trade Commission, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal District. Almost every one of the myriad decisions by all of these entities is appealed to final disposition.
However, Friday, January 12, 2024, turns out to be an especially important day.
Learn about recent decisions in the legal battle between Masimo and Apple
[Read more…] about Massive Masimo vs. Apple Legal Battle Has Epic Day; Is Apple Capitulating?Apple Watch Ban Takes Effect as White House Declines to Veto USITC Action
Apple Files Emergency Request to Appeals Court to Halt Ban
UPDATE: See the latest news that broke the day after this story was posted at the bottom of this story…
The Masimo vs. Apple saga continues as the ban on Apple Watch models that the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) declared infringed on multiple Masimo Corp. (NASDAQ: MASI) patent claims is now in full force as the Biden Administration declined to veto the USITC decision. Apple’s (NASDAQ: AAPL) hopes for a presidential intervention countermanding the USITC ban from taking effect were dashed as the Presidential Review period expired at the end of Monday – yes, Christmas Day – with no action taken by the White House.
Speaking for the Biden Administration Tuesday morning, Katherine Tai, the U.S. Trade Representative said the government “decided not to reverse the ban following careful consultations.” With that, the Apple Watch ban took full effect.
See more on what happens now in this Masimo vs. Apple patent battle
[Read more…] about Apple Watch Ban Takes Effect as White House Declines to Veto USITC ActionMasimo vs. Apple – An Unusual Wince of Pain as Tech Giant Pulls Watch Off Market
Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) announced that this week it was preemptively removing certain models of its Apple Watch line from its online store on Thursday, and from its physical retail stores by December 24th. The products affected by this action are the Series 9 and Ultra 2 Watch models which include pulse oximetry technology that the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) determined infringed on patents held by Masimo Corp. (NASDAQ: MASI).
See more on Apple being forced to pull Watch models off the shelf
[Read more…] about Masimo vs. Apple – An Unusual Wince of Pain as Tech Giant Pulls Watch Off MarketMasimo vs Apple – After Early Success, The Wind Shifts… And It’s a Foul Wind
What a year it’s been for Masimo Corporation (NASDAQ: MASI), the manufacturer of medical products sold largely to hospitals and other healthcare systems who is also the owner of Sound United, a leading manufacturer of audio products. Simply saying they’ve been through highs and lows would understate the high drama in which the company has been immersed this past year – not the least of which is embodied by its deathmatch with Apple, Inc., the largest company in the world. Apple is also regularly ranked as the most profitable company in the world – a well-resourced adversary to engage thoughtfully…and carefully.
Some impressive early Masimo wins in this battle with Apple, however, seemed to suggest that the tech behemoth was losing its balance and the altercation might be winnable by its much smaller rival. But then…
But then the wind shifted, and recent events suggest it’s a foul wind indeed…
[Read more…] about Masimo vs Apple – After Early Success, The Wind Shifts… And It’s a Foul WindIn Huge Win for Masimo, ITC Bans Certain Apple Watch Imports for Trade Law Violations
Masimo Corporation (NASDAQ: MASI) scored a big win Thursday in its ongoing battles with Apple, Inc. when the United States International Trade Commission (USITC or ITC) sided largely with Masimo and issued a Limited Exclusion Order and a Cease and Desist Order against certain Apple Watch models that infringe on select Masimo patents. This exclusion order bans the import of those models that incorporate Masimo’s patented light-based pulse oximetry technology in violation of U.S. trade laws.