The ALERT has learned that Bob Weissburg has resigned from his position at Gibson Guitar effective immediately. The surprising news comes just three months after Gibson announced it had hired Weissburg, the former President of Sales and Marketing for the Americas at D&M Holdings. Gibson had appointed Weissburg to a newly created position of Global Executive Vice President.
Although Weissburg’s position was with Gibson Guitar, it was understood that his primary responsibility would be centered on Gibson’s newly acquired Onkyo USA division. On the eve of this past January’s Consumer Electronics Show, the world learned that Gibson Guitar and Onkyo Corporation had entered into a business partnership with mutual investment and boards of director membership.
Furthermore, in a bit of a unique spin, Gibson acquired 51% – or a controlling interest – in Onkyo USA, the distribution subsidiary of Onkyo responsible for the U.S. market. In addition to Onkyo, Gibson had been on a bit of a buying binge, having also acquired other audio-related companies such as Stanton, KRK Systems, and Cerwin-Vega.
Weissburg, who worked out of Onkyo USA’s offices in Northern New Jersey, was largely charged with turning around the Onkyo’s U.S. operations whose results were lagging the global electronics manufacturer’s returns in other markets around the world. In a telephone interview with the ALERT, Weissburg shared with us the motivating factor behind his decision to resign:
“In our planning sessions, it became clear that we had diverging views on our vision for Onkyo’s future,” Weissburg said. “I have a lot of respect for Onkyo, Gibson, and Henry and I didn’t want to interfere with the execution of his vision. So I made the decision to remove myself from the situation such that the organization could align itself around a unified vision.”
Weissburg went on to say that this decision was in no way a reflection on any of the people of Gibson or Onkyo, but simply a personal decision that he feels will be in the best interest of all of the parties.
“I wish them the best of luck in the expansion of Onkyo’s business,” Weissburg said sincerely. “I’m sure they’re going to have a very successful future.”
Attempts to contact Gibson for comment on this story were unsuccessful by the time this story was published.
Weissburg told us that he has no immediate plans or anything else lined up at this time. “I’m keeping my options open,” he said. Weissburg can be reached at bw997@optimum.net.
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