Toshiba Corp. announced yesterday that it will take a $6.3 billion writedown to account for the meltdown of its nuclear division. This amount of writedown is much higher than the markets had anticipated, forcing Toshiba into crisis mode having to secure lending commitments from their banks, reorganize their nuclear division, and sell assets to offset their losses.
Sharp, Struggling to Survive, Provides Banks with a New Plan; Ratchets Up Painful Cuts
Sharp Corp., once a high flying superstar of Japanese manufacturing might, finds itself engaged in a multi-front battle for survival as it seeks to replenish its depleted capital reserves. Recently, the company had announced that it was negotiating a partnership deal that included the sale of factories and a capital investment from Taiwan’s Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. But these talks stalled when Sharp’s share price dropped to a value less than half the agreed-upon level.
Now, in a series of announcements, the company has submitted a new plan seeking the support of its banks by “upping the ante” in its restructuring plans, more than doubling staff cuts, selling off company assets, and offering several Sharp-owned properties as collateral – including its headquarters facility.
Sharp’s new plan cuts deeper and will be more painful…but is it enough?… [Read more…] about Sharp, Struggling to Survive, Provides Banks with a New Plan; Ratchets Up Painful Cuts
New Symbol of Sony’s Suffering – Stock Drops to Lowest Level in 32 Years

In yet another sign of the decline of a once seemingly invincible technological powerhouse, shares in Sony Corp. in Tokyo closed Monday below ¥1,000 ($12.76) per share – setting a disturbing new record low. The last time the stock was this low was August 1, 1980 – 32 years ago. The press in Japan took notice and newspapers couldn’t help but point to the development as a symbol of an industry slump that is changing the world’s view of Japan’s technological prowess.
Why do analysts think this happened?…
[Read more…] about New Symbol of Sony’s Suffering – Stock Drops to Lowest Level in 32 Years
TV War Won, Samsung Considers Spinning Off its Money-Losing LCD TV Business
<February 15, 2012> Samsung Electronics Co. surprised many in the industry today when it revealed that it is considering spinning-off its LCD flat-panel television business which is losing money amid a worldwide slowdown in consumer demand according to a report by Reuters. The company says letting the LCD business go will allow it to focus on what it believes will be the next wave in television technology – OLED which it hopes will stimulate consumer demand …and company profits. [Read more…] about TV War Won, Samsung Considers Spinning Off its Money-Losing LCD TV Business
S&P Cuts Sony’s Credit Rating to Just Above Junk, Issues Negative Outlook
<February 8, 2012> Credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s today cut the long-term debt rating on Sony Corporation to BBB+, just two notches above “junk” status, and further issued a negative outlook which suggests a potential further drop in the future. In a statement, S&P said that “the likelihood of a strong recovery in Sony’s earnings is low.” [Read more…] about S&P Cuts Sony’s Credit Rating to Just Above Junk, Issues Negative Outlook
Toshiba to Close Three Chip Plants as Demand Slacks for TVs & PCs
<November 30, 2011> Toshiba Corporation said today in Tokyo that it will close three of its six factories in Japan producing so-called discrete or single-function chips which are widely used in the electronics business. A very competitive part of the chip business, Toshiba has struggled to maintain profits in this division as competitors such as Samsung put downward pressure on the pricing – and profits – for these chips. [Read more…] about Toshiba to Close Three Chip Plants as Demand Slacks for TVs & PCs