Let me see if I can get your attention right now: 76% of all U.S. consumers purchased a product they first discovered in a social media post.
Let that sink in for a minute…digest it a little. Now WAKE UP! Nearly 8 out of 10 Americans bought a brand’s product that they first discovered in a social media post. If ever there was a time to tune-up your social media marketing strategy…it’s now. What’s that you say? You DON’T HAVE a social media marketing strategy?? No worries…you’re only missing out on about 8 out of 10 consumers in the market. I’m sure you’ll be fine…NOT!
See more on this new research on the importance of a social media program…
Surprising new research by online marketing company Curalate shows the dramatic impact that social media is having on how consumers discover brands. This is especially true of younger generations, but overall, pretty universally true for all of them. The fact is, social media over the last few years established itself as the easiest way that people can discover each other – and now, how they find interesting products from brands…including those unfamiliar to them.
Now while this study does not specifically refer to electronics or technology products, Curalate clients include luxury brands like Neiman Marcus. This suggests to us their findings may be translatable to some degree to our industry – especially at the higher end of technology products and services.
From Discovering…to Buying
Among other interesting findings from this study, 40% of U.S. consumers shop online at least once per week. And an amazing 7% of consumers shop online DAILY! Of course the growing emergence of online retail is a well-known phenomenon, but the intention here is to clearly link it with the discovery of new products and brands…directly leading to a purchase. This is yet further evidence that serious brand marketers need a robust and engaging social media program to both gain visibility and to drive demand for their products.
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Help End-Users Make Their Next Great Discovery…Your Products
“Given that consumers spend more time on social media than any other online activity, this new survey offers new insights into the growing and changing role played by social in digital commerce,” Curalate says. “Visual content shared on social media has become the new storefront. It entices people to explore and, ultimately, gets them to buy.”
Curalate CEO Apu Gupta notes that creating moments of discovery are a “massive opportunity” for brand marketers to “go beyond search and to introduce people to their next great find.”
Check out the infographic we’ve included here with more results, and talk to your marketing team about how your company can drive further engagement in your social media marketing.
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