Previous Residential Event a Big Success

AVNation, a largely podcasting group of integrators in both the residential and commercial AV space, this week held a somewhat abruptly announced, but ultimately successful online learning event they call their LFH – or Learn From Home – virtual residential event. Essentially an online conference with multiple presentations from a variety of industry experts, the event gave COVID-19 isolated colleagues an opportunity to while away the hours of their isolation…and perhaps learn something in the process.
Now, the group announces it will offer a new LFH event targeted at the commercial channel next week.
See more on AVNation’s LFH events…
So I actually attended some of their residential event with took place this week on April 7 and April 8 – and found much of the content useful. There were a few glitches, such as the published times conflicted with the app- and web-based timing which bore the same digit…but were in the Central time zone.
It was amazing how much this tripped me up. But perhaps that’s just me…
I Was Not Alone
I was not alone in the events that I attended, according to AVNation, there were a total of 1,000 attendees with me. An impressive number for sure, but not so large a group as to cause problems. For example, in some of the open mic events, there was a manageable number of participants, such that everyone got the opportunity to speak up and contribute.
AVNation founder Tim Albright told me that this event went from initial conception to final delivery in a matter of only two weeks. Considering that compressed window of time, the delivery was impressive indeed. I would say that AVNation was aided by the inclusion of several solid presentations – for me, quality of presentation always trumps the technical quality. A brilliant presenter can make a chalkboard sing!

A Roster of Top Presenters
Most of the sessions were hosted or moderated by Matt D. Scott, the host of AVNation’s popular ResiWeek podcast. But other sessions were freestanding, with presenters offering up their content on their own.
Some of the top presenters included: Jeremy Burkhardt (Origin Acoustics, keynote), Randy Blanchard (Vanco), Katye McGregor (KMB Communications), Christopher Ochoa & John Clancy (Crestron), Mark Feinberg (Home Theater Advisors), Charlie Kindel (SnapAV/Control4), Samatha Ventura (CEDIA), Dennis Holzer (Powerhouse Alliance), Randy Stearns (D-Tools), Joey Kolchinsky (OneVision), Mitchell Klein (Z-Wave Alliance), David Weinstein (Lutron), Alex Capecelatro (, Gary Yacoubian (SVS), Jimmy Paschke (SurgeX), Hagai Feiner (Access Networks), and more.
Wide Range of Topics – From Audio to ZigBee
There were a wide range of topics that were all addressing issues relevant to integrators. There were also discussions surrounding the strange consequences we’re all finding ourselves in – including advice on how to best utilize the various CARES Act-related government stimulus programs.

Not content to rest on their laurels…AVNation is set to do it again! Next week, they will host yet another LFH event – in this case a version designed for the commercial channel called Commercial Learn From Home Virtual Event. This new event will take place over the three days of April 14-16 and it looks to be equally impactful – with top executive presenters and a varied program.
Next Week: Commercial Learn From Home Virtual Event
“We were thrilled with the response to our event from the residential custom install industry, so we thank our speakers, partners, and attendees for coming together to make it a great event. Even in a challenging time and acclimating to work from home, education and conversations were uplifting. We want to bring the same great experience and education to the commercial AV industry, and we’ve put together a great lineup of industry leaders who are bringing keynotes, trainings, and topical education sessions. AVNation looks forward to seeing you there.”
Tim Albright, Founder and President of AVNation in a prepared statement
Top participating executives and presenters will include David Lasbuskes (head of AVIXA), Clive Couldwell (AV Magazine), Randy Klein (CEO of Crestron), Chuck Wilson (NSCA), John Laughlin, and Heather Sidorowicz (Southtown AV). That is a star-studded lineup…commercially speaking!
The three-day event will present sessions on an even wider range of topics including: applications of interactive displays, and introduction to distributed video solutions, generating alternate revenue streams, audio networking, the evolved conference room, power best practices and more.
Sign Up Here for This Free Event
Leading these session will be folks associated with: AtlasIED, Avnu Alliance Milan Group, Avocor, Biamp, Caster Communications, Control Concepts, Drainer Technologies, Legrand, Shure, SurgeX, Tangram, Vanco, Yamaha , and more.
Be sure to register to attend this free event using this link:
For more information, see:
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