The holiday season is upon us and 2022 is quickly waning. Longtime Strata-gee readers know that the holiday season always puts me in a reflective mood, and this year is no different. What a year 2022 has been…for the world…for the U.S….for the industry…for Strata-gee…and for me. See my Happy Thanksgiving 2022 thoughts…
Read on for a brief Happy Thanksgiving 2022 message…
Unlike some of the messages I’ve created in past years on this site for Thanksgiving, I’m going to try and keep this message a little more succinct. However, it always strikes me how different every year is as you look back. And certainly, that is the case with 2022, really the first more “normal” (whatever that is) year following two years of a raging, disruptive pandemic.
And while the world remains susceptible to more pandemics emerging – and China is still engaging in rolling lockdowns as new outbreaks appear – this year has brought a greater sense of normalcy as Americans re-engage with the world around them. More people are traveling again, eating out at restaurants, going to tradeshows, and the like.
A Reconnection Revelation
The ability to interact with each other face-to-face…rather than over a computer…almost feels like a revelation! And while Zoom/Teams connections will undoubtedly continue to be a communications enhancer, the ability to look people in the eye, see them in the flesh, shake hands and CONNECT more CLOSELY will qualitatively strengthen relationships moving forward.

Let’s recognize that the ability to interact in-person is a blessing and – as we’ve seen over the last couple of years – not always guaranteed. And with that thought in mind, let’s think about how we can make those interactions more meaningful.
Combine Open Minds with Mutual Respect for Better Communication
The greatest threat to mutual understanding is polarization. Certainly, we see that in our political discourse, but I’ve seen it in our business discourse as well. The foundation of better communication is to approach any interaction with a sense of curiosity, an open mind, and sincere mutual respect.
So I, for one, have committed myself to enter into discussions with an open mind, listen to other participants actively, share my thoughts honestly…but not in an unnecessarily inflammatory manner. Nothing shuts down a discussion so quickly as by disrespecting the other party. In fact, I look to try and elicit alternative viewpoints and try to embrace the multicolored shadings of all of our thoughts, experiences, and feelings.
Seeking Greater Understanding of Alternate Viewpoints
Reasonable minds can disagree…without that disagreement leading to the conclusion that the other person is not only wrong – but an idiot. If we all adopt this mentality, perhaps this will lead to better discussions, deeper understanding – and, who knows, perhaps the discovery of some common ground.
But if not…that’s good too.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I want to offer a special THANKS – from the bottom of my heart – to our many new subscribers to Strata-gee! We added a record number of new subscribers in 2022 and I strive to keep content coming that will keep you engaged, informed, and entertained.
Thanksgiving is all about offering thanks. I have much to be thankful for…and I know you do too. I wish you the warm embrace of a Thanksgiving surrounded with family and friends. And please, enjoy your brief respite from the pressures of business.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!! Enjoy your time spent with family and friends.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family and all of your readers and subscribers.
Remember that classic Thanksgiving hi-Fi tradition …. Play a great song – kinda loud!