Memorial Day, a day that is generally considered the kick-off of the summer, is here again. Families will gather, picnics will commence, and outside fun & games are sure to ensue. That is as it should be. But please don’t forget…
What to remember on Memorial Day 2022
I want to wish you all a hearty, healthy, and enjoyable Memorial Day 2022! Please take some time today to remember that the freedoms we Americans enjoy came at a great cost to our country. We should never take these freedoms for granted, as even to this day there are forces at work in the world to potentially undermine them.
My father served in World War II, and many members of my family have served in the armed forces over the years. I’m sure the same can be said about many of your families, and those of all of our friends and neighbors.
So please take a moment of reflection to both thank those who have served, are now serving or will serve to protect our freedoms and way of life. It is precious…and was so costly to attain.
And especially, please don’t forget those who paid the ultimate sacrifice to preserve that way of life we all enjoy.
Happy Memorial Day and Thank You Veterans for your Service and Sacrifice!
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