Perhaps it is a touch poetic that TiO, the new division launched by Automated Control Technology Partners, and the company that emerged from the ruins of Colorado vNet (then 3vNet) – should launch their exciting new home automation system the year that CEDIA returns to Colorado. We’ve seen the system, and even though we have yet to have the opportunity to operate it (it was a non-powered display) we saw enough to strongly advise that you get to know it…and quickly.
In fact, if you are at CEDIA, we would recommend you set your sights on the Tio booth #3628…
What Tio has designed is a super simple – idiot-proof really – control system that is cleverly designed to be ridiculously easy and intuitive to hook up, configure, program, operate, monitor, and enjoy. Company President and CEO Mike Anderson likes to call this his “outside in” approach to system design – starting with the customer (outside) and work back from that to design (inside) a truly easy to use system. And in the unlikely event that something should ever go wrong – it is even self-repairing!
The workhorse of the system is a deceptively diminutive device called the StealthStreamer 1 digital audio zone player (AZSS1). Don’t let its tiny size fool you – this small device (1.88″x2.75″x3.9″ ) unit packs a 100 watt punch! But its small enough to be literally tucked away in a standard single gang opening with a standard mud ring. And, by the way, it can be powered by existing wiring making it a retrofitter’s dream.
System access to all of your favorite music and streaming access, too…

The AZSS1 will be typically used in a system that includes a wireless router that TiO calls the MasterCoordinator (MC1). The AZSS1 allow access to all of your favorite music, including Bluetooth streaming built-in. It also includes an optical input and an analog output for great system flexibility.
The system is so easy to set up, anyone can do it through an intuitive Android app. The system is self-sensing. Plug in the AZSS1 and it will instantly appear in your app – fully recognized and operable. And once your system is set up and configured – if a piece needs to be replaced, just pop it in and the system will automatically configure it with no further interaction by the user – in other words, it self repairs!
Get in the mood…

The system allows users to set Moods – lighting levels, music levels, etc. by simply setting them as you would like them and pressing one button to memorize that setting (Mood). You can group Moods from several rooms into an Experience for whole home control.
The MC1 is a full featured WPS wireless router utilizing 2.4GHz, 802.11N technology with a claimed 450ft. range and will sell for $449.99. The AZSS1 will sell for $599.99. According to Anderson, the system will be available in about ten days.
Super support solutions…
There are many more elements coming to fill in the system including 4″ and 7″ touchscreens, a Wi-Fi thermostat touch panel, touch plates, and much more.

The company also shared with us many innovative dealer support options, including webinars, teaching materials, and demo kits. Not only that, but TiO has devised a program that will literally drive leads to their dealers, through system messages with dealer referrals when users attempt to enact a grayed-out future feature.
Anderson told us that there are several exciting announcements yet to come from TiO – so we will report on continuing developments as they evolve.
For more information on TiO, see:
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