Happy New Year to Strata-gists everywhere! As we close the chapter on 2023, a challenging year of transition for the country and for Tech, we look forward to a bigger and better 2024.
See my Happy New Year 2024 message
After a COVID-dominated 2020-2022 period, in 2023 we finally began to see the transition back to “normal” – whatever that is. And while some challenges persisted, we saw supply chain issues subside – as did the wind at our back that the COVID-19 lockdowns provided.
The year was not without challenges, but I would argue that a return to normal industry business patterns is a welcome transition indeed. Even if the road to getting back to these more normal patterns was a bumpy one.
And now we can raise a glass, toast the close of another year of learning, and look forward to a fresh reboot in 2024. To be sure, there will be challenges. For example, we are not yet out of the woods economically. Also, 2024 is an election year and this one is likely to be a brutally divisive one.
It is my hope that we can turn the page on this hyper-partisanship, and find a way to disagree with those on one team or the other…without hating them. I’m also hopeful that we can remember that we are all in this together – even if we have different thoughts or opinions on how to best proceed.
From Strata-gee, I just want to say Thank You for your ongoing support. I’ve enjoyed venturing back out into the field this year and finding Strata-gee fans just about everywhere I go! I pledge to continue to do my best to earn your continued engagement.
And on that front, there will be some new things from Strata-gee in 2024. It’s time to look for more in ’24!
Please have a safe and Happy New Year. I can’t wait to see you again…next year!
Thanks! And the same to you and your family as well!
happy new year
Thanks Dean! Same to you!