Control4 announced on Tuesday a new line of power monitoring and control solutions in its Pakedge PowerPak line. Saying, “Power monitoring and control is the first-line of defense in bringing a system or device back online,” these new units bring enhanced levels of intelligent control of power, the lifeblood of any system.
See more on this new line of Control4/Pakedge power solutions…
This new line from Control4’s Pakedge brand brings several new capabilities for integrators in the control of an individual device or group of devices within an installation’s power setup – but none is more important than the fact that these new solutions are BakPak-enabled allowing for remote monitoring and managing. Control4 dealers are well aware of the power of this capability, allowing them to monitor and intervene remotely to keep client installations running smoothly.
In addition to control and monitoring capabilities, this new PowerPak line also comes with full surge protection which can protect systems from spurious voltage spikes that can occur. Also included is the ability to set thresholds for current and voltage draw – and “self-healing” routines to power cycle non-responsive devices automatically.
Gives You Control of Power
The new PowerPak PDUs offer SafeStart boot sequencing, allowing integrators to make sure systems power up in the proper order for best performance. PowerPack PDUs come with a total of nine outlets for the U.S. market and eight with IEC plugs for international markets.

“On average, there are over 40 connected devices in a Control4 smart home. The high-impact combination of BakPak and our new PowerPak line gives our dealers powerful tools to monitor and manage virtually all the gear in their customers’ homes – stepping in to remediate issues before they even become apparent to the homeowner,” said Paul Williams, VP, Product Management, Control4. “Having the ability to remotely troubleshoot issues will save our dealers time and money.”

Pricing and Availability
PowerPak PDU outlets can be controlled on an individual basis via telnet ore web browser, or can also be pre-programmed. With a Control4 driver, control can be fully automated as part of an overall Control4 project.
The new PowerPak9 is available now to all Control4 and Pakedge dealers at an MSRP of $600.
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